Work in Progress

A research on the performativity of podcasts by notsopretty and Jakob Lorenz.

Nowadays, the consumption of audio content is possible anywhere. Headphones are no longer a thing of luxury, but a normal part of our lives. Almost everyone has at some point listened to a podcast and we as a collective are interested in analysing the strategies of this medium, as well as discovering the possibilities that arise from this analysis - this research.

Pretty Podcast was a research by notsopretty in which we analysed the performativity of podcasts. Podcasts belong to the universe of listening, but in addition to that, they are also a net-medium, an organism. During the research, we explored the following questions: What are the mechanisms of this medium and what happens when you try to translate them into a performative exploration? To what extent does it affect our bodies, our movements? What kind of images emerge in our heads and how can we verbalize them again or translate them with our bodies and material? Which podcast puts us in which state of mind? Which feelings do they generate?

We listened, moved ourselves or just stayed lying down. We played with language and manners of speaking, experimented with how closeness and distance might be established through speech, but also what changed when we saw each other or when we were apart from each other. As artists, we are interested in the mediality and the search for the performativity of the medium, as well as the possibilities of integrating it into an artistic context, for example at a festival.

Pretty Podcast at the Fünfminutenfestival, studiobühneköln


By and with
notsopretty (Anna Júlia Amaral, Nina Weber & Marcel Nascimento) und Jakob Lorenz

The research was supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the programme NEUSTART KULTUR.